
What Not To Do After An IV Drip? Things To Avoid And Aftercare Tips

What not to do after iv drip

What Not To Do After An IV Drip? Things To Avoid And Aftercare Tips

Las Vegas features numerous IV therapy clinics alongside specialized health care centers. People in the city often receive IV drips for various health benefits, including hydration, hangover relief, workout recovery, migraine, and more. However, its positive effects on individuals can be different for many reasons.  

The desired result after IV sessions requires good aftercare and avoidance of harmful things. Would you like to know what not to do after an IV drip? 

This article will share a list of things you must avoid for an expected outcome from an IV drip.

What should you avoid after an IV Drip?

There are many activities to avoid after an IV session which can create physical complications. Here are the most common ones IV clinics in Las Vegas usually mention.

Wearing tight clothing

If your clothing is tight, you should not wear it after the session. The reason is that it will rub the IV site and cause irritation and pain afterward. Sometimes, tight clothing can be a reason for the leakage of IV fluids. So, choose loose and comfortable clothing after IV therapy to prevent unwanted irritation and infection. 

Alcohol Consumption

Consuming alcohol after an IV session is highly discouraged because it can bring the opposite effect, such as dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it will increase your urination. Frequent urination indicates that your body is losing excessive fluids.

IV liquids are formulated to hydrate your body. However, alcohol consumption can dehydrate it with the opposite effect. It can also interfere with nutrition absorption and drain essential electrolytes from your body. As a result, you will feel tired, even after an energy IV session.

Scratching the IV site

The infusion site generally itches and influences patients to scratch the area. It is a common habit of individuals that can even lead to an infection. 

Our skin works like a natural barrier against bacteria. Scratching can weaken the protection and open a path for bacteria to insert into our bodies. Other common issues that happen from scratching the puncture site include inflammation and irritation. 


Every health expert discourages smoking due to its negative impact on our immunity. If you are a smoker, avoid it, particularly during the post-IV period. Smoking affects our immune system and weakens it. The result is – you may experience slow healing. 

Nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant for high blood pressure, which is a risk factor during IV sessions. If you smoke after IV therapy, it can worsen your blood pressure and physical condition.

High-intensity Physical Activity

IV therapy is good for improving athletic performance and workout recovery. However, if you do high-intensity training right after a session, the result will not be how you desire. Avoid extreme workouts within two hours of taking an IV drip.

Vigorous physical training causes excessive sweating, which can lessen the effect of IV hydration. These formulas contain essential electrolytes like sodium and potassium. They need time to adjust in your system. So, wait a few hours; otherwise, you may experience opposite effects, like muscle cramps and fatigue.

Staying in Extreme Sun 

After IV therapy, it is suggested to avoid the extreme sun. Some medications used in the IV liquids can make your skin more sensitive to the sunlight. For example, you can experience sunburn, rashes, and irritation. 

In some cases, high UV exposure from direct sunlight can weaken your immune system. Thus, you can be more prone to infection after an IV session.

Eating Heavy Meals Immediately

IV fluids deliver nutrition and energy directly into your body, as they require no digestion. Though it is a quick absorption, your body still needs some time to adapt to it. 

If you eat a heavy meal immediately after IV therapy, your body will also try to absorb energy and nutrition from the food. Excessive nourishment from IV liquid and food at a time can cause physical complications. It can also slow down the IV’s effect on your body. 

Tips for Post-IV Care: What to follow?

After a session, an IV therapist will guide you about what you must avoid in the next few hours. Are you curious to know about the general aftercare? Here are some quick tips to follow:

  • After an IV therapy session, take 2-3 hours of rest so your body can utilize the fluid. 
  • Though IV liquid will hydrate your body, you should still drink sufficient water throughout the day for regular hydration, particularly in the next 48 hours.
  • To prevent infection, you must keep the infusion site clean and dry. Also, avoid wearing clothing that is too tight. 
  • Do not eat heavy meals immediately after an IV session. You can take light meals and wait a few hours for a heavy meal. 
  • Similarly, do not be involved in heavy exercises that make you tired and cause sweating. However, light physical activities like walking and stretching are excellent to do.
  • Since some medications used in IV therapy can be reactive to the sun and UV rays, you should avoid extreme sun immediately after a session.

Final Words

If you want to achieve the best outcomes from IV drips, these are the things you need to be careful about. Any renowned IV therapy center in Las Vegas will suggest you avoid these activities. Also, post-IV drip care is essential for your safety and effective recovery. You must monitor the IV site for a few days following the session. In case of experiencing any adverse symptoms, you must go to the nearest health care center.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to feel tired after an IV session?

Yes, it is a common occurrence after IV therapy. You should take a rest in such a case. It is also an indication that your body is absorbing the fluid. 

How do you care for the IV site after the drip?

You must keep the site clean and dry. You also must be careful about the infection. If you notice any sign of infection, do not hesitate to contact your nearest healthcare provider.

Can you drive after getting an IV drip?

You can safely drive if you notice no side effects like dizziness or lightheadedness. However, most IV therapists will recommend you take at least 30 minutes of rest.